Monday, July 5, 2010

Mary- Gentlemen never seem to get gentle women.

Hello fokes! This is my second post ever. I have some good news, but mostly bad news. Good news is my bike is fixed. Bad news is I start two weeks of non-stop math in a week, I don't get to go to Canada's wonderland because of the non-stop math, and I lost my phone. This sucks, but I'll try to be positive.
This post is going to consist of a lot of photos and I'm just going to tell you about myself that has not been covered last week and maybe some plans I have for the summer. My name is Mary (OBVIOUSLY) and I am 14 goin' on 15., who will take care of me? High on a hill was a lonely goatherd, lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo....Sorry I got a little carried away with the Sound of Music.
I enjoy writing, fencing, music, art, sour keys, puppies, swimming, laughing, and going on walks.
I like seeing movies, although I'd rather read a good book than see a movie (WOW I am such a nerd). Speaking of movies today I saw Babies, a documentary type thingy on these four babies that lived in completely different worlds (Tokyo, Mongolia, San Fran, and Africa to be exact). Overall very good.

I'm going to move on to the picture/summer plans segment. YAAAY.

This is my plan for the summer; go to the beach as much as possible. I love the beach. This is a picture of me taken by my sister. We had a picnic dinner. So nice!
WATER FIGHT. Erin was saying how she hates doing physical activities. My gym class would be perfect for her. This is literally all we did all of June. I'm the one on the far right reppin' the gym uniform like its my job. And yes, our gym shirts are purple. Btw don't judge the photo on the left..I was was "water day" (even though it was only half an hour)...I was having fun.

This is a picture of my buddy Mal and I. Not the most flattering picture of both of us. It was taken at a pool party, yet another thing I plan to do a lot this summer.
QUEBEC CITY! You have no idea how badly I want to visit there again this summer. I would do anything to stay at le chateau frontenac. This is a picture taken with the lovely Holly and the lovely Jake.

Here's a picture of Erin and I's little cousin Ben taken March break. Don't mind my nose and I creeping in the corner. I really want to visit him because he can probably talk by now. I ccould probably go visit Erin I guess...JAKAY LOVE YOU BITCH.

This is a cake I made for a Harry Potter Marathon that I had with a bunch of my friends. I think it's pretty pro, and it tasted pretty delish. I think we're planning another Harry Potter Marathon at the end of the summer so I'll get to bake and decorate another awesome cake. YAY.
I'm going to Port Elgin for a week to stay in my papa's house. His house is litterally two minutes from the beach. This is the beautiful harber only a five minute walk from his house. I did not take this picture, though I wish I had because it's freaking beautiful.
SEE MY COUUUUSY ERIN! YAYAYAYAY. I'm excited. This is a picture from two years ago edited by Erin. The other spiffy kid on the left is my cousin Taryn.

So I've told you my plans for the summer. Sure it isn't visiting Europe or GOING TO CANADA'S WONDERLAND (sniff sniff sniff) but its better than nothing I suppose. I hope you enjoyed my cough exciting cough pictures.
Erin might not be able to post this week as she is in Tennesse. I hope she can.


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