Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mary- Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour.

Hello my name is Mary. I am basically your average Beatles fan girl, throw in a little Who and Pink Floyd and we're rocking (hehe literally). I'm here basically to catch up with my cousin, Erin, and to entertain whoever is reading this. I'll probably end up talking about music the most because I love music more than anything.


So, since its the first week of posting my COUGH lovely COUGH cousin and I have picked ten random question-y things to "answer". So here I go!

1. Favorite artistic hobbies:
Well...thats a hard one. I really like to photograph my cats (wow I'm gangsta) and I really love to write stories. I'm working on a painting right now. I basically like to look at life as a work of art. Is that too Lady Gaga of me? Anyway I love art, everything about it.

2. Pets:
Okay so I have come to a realization that these are not questions...awkward.
So I have three pets that I LOVE dearly. I have my new puppy, Cooper, who is in the picture of me under our bio thingy. He's a four month old bichon frise. Then I have a fat orange cat named Lizzie and a grumpy grey cat named Whiskers. They're kind of mean to me but I gotta love 'em.

3. Favorite Colour:

4. Random Childhood memories:
Well I have so many. I randomly remember putting on plays at the museum with Erin and my other cousin Taryn. I remember fashion shows with my sister. I remember this boy I use to live beside that I had a crush on said something I will never forget. "Hey Mary." "Yes?" "You're pretty." "Thanks." BLUSHES. "PRETTY UGLY."
Yep. We were about 5 or 6. My first love broke my heart for the first time. Did I just quote Justin Bieber? Yes. Am I proud of it? HELL TO THE NAAW.

5. Best Friends:
Ahhh oh god so many. I'd have to say that my three best friends (that anybody could ever have :D) are Chloe, Abigail, and Grainne. We have been best friends forever. Also Courtney, Elsie, Jen, Melissa, Jake, Kirk, Ursula, and Olivia. They are probably my closest friends. Love them all! I will post pictures at a later date.

6. Hollywood Crushes:
OH GOD. SO MANY HOT MEN OUT THERE! Zac Efron for sure, Jim Sturgess, Young Paul McCartney, Charlie from charlieissocoollike (not really Hollywood but whatevs), Hugh Jackman, William Moseley, anyone who's hot, Brad Pitt without his goat beard, any hot soccer player (vague, I know, but it seems appropriate considering its the World Cup), Taylor Lautner, Gerard Butler, and really any hot musician (Boys make a note: musicians are sexy no matter what...unless they're ugly...you know what I mean).

7. Describe your dream house:
Oh my goodness oh my goodness. I might need a whole other post for this. I am a daughter of a once was interier designer, so I have inherited an eye for good realistate and design. I don't have time to go through all of the details as it is past my bed time (LOL JK IT's SUMMER..but I am tired..and those LOL JK facebook groups are getting annoying, no?). I deffinitley love old victorian houses. A big one by a river or in Narnia somewhere with a huge backyard and a pool for those hot summer days. I want a gormet kitchen and a lovely living room to entertain my friends. I want a large room with en ensuit. I'm not going into details on design and colours because my fingers are getting tired. Moving on kiddos!

8. Favorite animal:
I love animals! That sounds extremely cliche but its true. They're so sweet. Damn you humans and large corperations for putting these harmless creatues on their deathbed. Wow a little too PETA there, sorry guys. Anywho I really love walruses. Here's another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul. I also love cats and wolves. I also love werewolves of the Taylor Lautner variety. AWOOOO.

9. Favorite pattern:
I'd have to say anything plaid or checks...unless its tacky. I really like floral patterns lately. Nothing polkadot..YUCK. I'll make an acception for polkadot bikinis. YOU LOOK KINDA CUTE IN THAT POLKADOT BIKINI GUUURL.

10. Favorite Harry Potter character:
and I also enjoy Luna Lovegood and Molfoy.

So the time has come I finish this post. I hope you enjoyed it and Erin, I look forward to reading your post tomorrow.

That is all, Son, good night!

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